Our values
Simplicity is key
Life is complicated – work shouldn’t be.
We're oobe. We craft solutions to uncomplicate work lives for our clients and for our team. We do what our clients need to get the job done. We take pride in our work and our achievements. We don’t set out to create the biggest, most comprehensive 'whatever' just for the sake of it.
Our reason for being
We are advocates for flexible workspaces, places and timings. If you’re passionate about getting stuff done, you’re our people. We understand that traditional work is what happens in between doing the fun stuff. We want work to be meaningful with a bit of fun on the side. If we can’t all be sipping cocktails on a tropical island, we think oobe is a great option for the moments in between.
Do the right thing
We value individuality. We want to nurture and develop the team to be better. We are proud of our humble beginnings and we are passionate about where we are going. Continuous learning, mentoring and self-development is encouraged and rewarded. We strive to support and challenge each other to be better thinkers, innovators and humans.
We know the value of a good cup of coffee, so if you’re going to fit in here, you best check the machine when you’re done and make sure there are beans for the next person.
Accountability at our core
We’re committed to having honest, positive and impactful interactions with each other on a daily basis. We believe that when people stuff things up, we can have an open conversation and nip any issues in the bud before they are allowed to bloom.
We also believe that we have a responsibility to give back to society, to our environment, and within the communities our teams call home. If you’re passionate about a cause or find an opportunity for us to assist our community, chances are you’ll be met with a resounding “yes!, how can we help?”.